Gynecomastia is a relatively common condition in men.

It can affect one or both male breasts, where there is an accumulation of fat and the enlargement of the gland tissue, giving them a rounded appearance. This can be caused by a number of factors, including being overweight, having certain medical problems or a hormonal imbalance, taking certain medications or drugs (marijuana or anabolic steroids). However, a clear cause cannot be determined in most cases.

“Not only can gynecomastia correction can have a number of psychological benefits for a man, it can greatly improve his overall quality of life.”

Réduction mammaire chez l’homme (gynécomastie)

What are the different types of gynecomastia correction surgery?

As gynecomastia can be associated with different degrees of excess glandular tissue (mammary glands) and adipose (fat) tissue with or without excess skin, its correction requires a personalized plan.

1) Excess male mammary tissue excision

The incision made in order to excise the mammary tissue is concealed along the lower edge of the areola. The mammary glands and/or excess fat are excised from the breast. This procedure may be performed alone or combined with liposuction.

2) Liposuction

Liposuction is used to eliminate the excess fat and breast tissue so as to reduce the rounded appearance of male breasts. Liposuction is performed by making a small number of little incisions measuring a few millimetres on the outer edge of the areola or in the axillary fossa (or armpit). This technique is effective if the tissue is homogenous, but in the presence of firmer nodules behind the nipple and areola, it is recommended that excision be combined with liposuction.

3) Extensive breast reduction

For very large sagging breasts, a more extensive breast reduction may be necessary. With this procedure, a considerable amount of mammary and fat tissue as well as excess skin are removed. This method, which is similar to a breast reduction in a woman, requires longer incisions. When a reduction is paired with liposuction, the cannula is usually inserted through the incision made for the breast reduction. This type of surgery is suitable for men with pronounced gynecomastia and/or significant ptosis (sagging mammary tissue).

Frequently asked questions

Gynecomastia can be corrected surgically. This procedure consists in the excision of fat and excess mammary tissue so as to reduce the rounded appearance of the breasts. Excess skin may also be present and depending on the severity of the ptosis (sagging mammary tissue), an excision may be necessary.

Depending on the magnitude of the surgery and the patient’s preference, the procedure can be done under local or general anesthesia.

The ideal patient for this procedure is a man in good general health, who does not smoke, is physically fit and at a healthy body weight (or has reached a stable weight after significant weight loss).

This surgery may not be suitable for you if you smoke or have complex health issues for which you are currently being treated. If you are significantly overweight, it is recommended you lose some weight before surgery to ensure the most aesthetically appealing result and decrease your risk of complications. In general, men who drink alcohol, take anabolic steroids, or use marijuana are not good surgical candidates. Patients must quit these substances at least four to six months before even considering corrective surgery.


As with any surgery, you will receive antibiotics during the perioperative period in order to prevent post-operative infections.

Despite the use of standard preventive measures and antiseptic techniques, there remains a slight chance of infection at the surgery site. An infection could cause redness, pain, heat or swelling in the breast. It may also cause a fever of 38.5oC or more. We recommend that you contact us immediately if you notice any of these symptoms, so that we may perform the appropriate tests and administer any necessary treatments.


During your surgery, we are careful to cauterize the blood vessels, so as to minimize blood loss. It is normal for there to be traces of blood in your dressings. Bleeding rarely continues beyond the surgery and in few cases, a hematoma (accumulation of blood) may form in the breast.

If you experience significant and disproportionate pain in one of your breasts within 24 to 48 hours of your surgery, if your breast seems bigger (swollen), contact us so that we may reexamine you prior to your follow-up appointment.

Gynecomastia correction surgery is an outpatient procedure. No hospitalization is required and you leave the clinic the same day. The procedure lasts between one and two and a half hours. However, you must plan some time for preparation before entering the operating room (30 to 45 minutes) and time to recover from the anesthesia (1 to 3 hours) if the surgery is performed under general anesthesia. You should therefore plan to take a day off from work for your surgery. The surgery may be prolonged if other procedures are performed at the same time.

You must avoid any intense physical exercise, raising your arms above your shoulders and lifting weights heavier than 5 pounds during the first two weeks following your surgery in order to give your body a chance to heal comfortably. You can resume your normal physical activities two to six weeks after your surgery. It is important for you to listen to your body. It will tell you if you are ready to exercise and how much exercise you can handle. Pain or discomfort when exercising is a sign that your body is not quite healed and that it would be better to wait a few weeks before trying again.

The final cost of your treatments will be calculated on an individual basis in accordance with your needs. Gynecomastia correction surgery generally costs between $7,245 and $10,045. However, additional charges may apply if the patient has a particular condition or if different surgeries are combined.

Our specialists

Dr. Mario Luc
Dr. Mario Luc
  • 450-241-6045
Dr. Marie-Pascale Tremblay-Champagne
  • 450-241-6045
Dre Camille Vallée-Gravel
Dr. Camille Vallée-Gravel
  • 450-241-6045
Dre Jennifer Dolmajian
Dr. Jennifer Dolmajian
  • 450-241-6045

Make an appointment with a surgeon

    We would be glad to help you through the process by answering all your questions and allaying your concerns.